Monday, December 27, 2010

How to get a BOOTY like JLO!

Having a booty is so in right now, train your backside with a few exercises you can do at home or at the gym. No equipment necessary.

Always start with a proper warm up. Nothing is worse than not being able to sit on the toilet for a week. So your warm up is very important. Five minutes of light walking, jumping jacks, high knees or climbing the steps is perfect.

If you are new to exercise consult your physician before attempting something new.

1. Side to Side Lunge: works the inner and outer thighs
Start by standing straight up and hold light weights in your hand (optional). With your right foot step horizontally to the right, bending your knee, left leg stays straight. Make sure that both feet face forward and your lunging knee tracks over the ankle.
Squat down and touch weights or hands to the floor on both sides of the right foot. Your torso should touch the top of your leg and your back should be flat.
With an exhale, pull your navel to your spine and with control slowly bring feet back together straightening up back to your starting position. Repeat on left side. Alternate from right to left for 15 to 20 on each side. Repeat for 2 or 3 more sets.

2. Walking Lunges: works quads, hamstrings, glutes, inner and outer thighs
Start by standing straight up and hold light weights in your hands (optional). Keeping your torso parallel to the floor, step your right foot in front of you with a wide stance. Lunge down so your thigh is parallel to the floor and your knee tracks directly over your ankle. Do not lean forward.
On an exhale pull your navel towards your spine as you step your left foot forward to meet your right foot standing straight up like you started. Repeat by stepping your left foot forward with a wide stance. Continuing to lunge across the length of your room keeping your navel pulled in and your torso straight.
Alternate your walking lunges up and back for a set of 3.

3. Squat With a Side Kick: works quads, hamstrings, glutes, inner and outer thighs
Stand with feet hip distance apart, toes pointed forward and the outer edges of your feet straight. You can rest light dumbbells on your shoulders, if you want more of a challenge.
Inhale as you sit back, as if you are trying to sit in a chair with your thighs parallel to the ground. On an exhale pull your navel in towards your spine to support your back, squeeze your butt and slowly stand back up. As you stand kick one leg out to the side. Squat down again and as you stand back up kick your opposite leg out to the side. Repeat 1o times on each side. Rest and repeat 2 more times.

4. Step Ups with a Back Kick: works quads, hamstrings, glutes, inner and outer thighs
Stand in front of a bench or set of stairs. The higher the bench the harder the exercise. If using stairs step up onto the second or third set of steps.
Exhale, pull your belly in and and step up with your right foot pressing through your heel. Kick your left leg behind you as you squeeze your butt. Watch that your right knee tracks over your ankle and your torso is straight. Inhale as you lower down. Switch legs. Repeat 1o times on each leg. Rest and repeat for 2 more sets.

5. Hip Extensions: works glutes and hamstrings
These are my absolute favorite butt exercises. They really hit the spot.
Start on your hands (or forearms) and knees. Knees line under your hips and wrists (or elbows, if you’re on your forearms) under your shoulders. Stretch your right leg out so your toes touch the floor. Keep your leg straight, squeeze your butt and exhale as you pull your belly in and leg up towards the ceiling. Do not arch your back, keep your torso from moving and back from arching. Inhale and tap your toes to the floor. Repeat for 30 on each leg.
For your second set, bend your right knee and flex your foot so your heel is facing the ceiling and your thigh is parallel to the floor. Keep your knee bent and pulse your leg a few inches up as you keep a constant squeeze with your glutes. Repeat until failure and switch legs.
For your third set, stretch your right leg out and lift it so it is parallel to the floor, but do not arch your back. Flex your foot and exhale bend your knee as if you are trying to kick yourself in the butt, squeezing the back of your leg and butt. Inhale and extend it back out. Repeat 30 times on each leg.

6. Side Lying Leg Lifts: works outer thighs
Start by laying on your side with legs stretched out and slightly in front of you so you can see your toes. Rest your head on your arm so you don’t tweak your neck muscles. Lift your top leg a few inches off the floor and stretch it longer that the bottom leg so you stack your hips one on top of another. Do not rest your waist onto the floor. Bring your top leg straight forward towards your face and hold. Flex your foot and pulse your leg up and down keeping within a four inch range of movement. Keep up abdominals tight and pulled in. Continue until failure. Repeat on other leg. Do 2 to 3 sets on each side.

Do this 2 times a week at least 3 days apart and you will have a bangin' booty in no time. Forget the implants!!

Miracle body slimming workout gear

I know us ladies are always looking for a quick fix to make our bodies look better. Activewear apparel company, Marika, has come out with a line of shape enhancing sportswear called Miracles that includes sports bras, pants and tank tops. Their line features an exclusive Elasta-Tight fabric that:
  • Contours and Uplifts Specific Parts of the Body                                
  • Slims the Body
  • Provides Support and Control
  • Improves Core Stability and Posture
  • Provides Confidence While Working Out
  • Wicks Away Moisture
  • Invisible to the eye, without sacrificing comfort
Their prices are reasonable, too, ranging from $30 to $48.

Check them out @

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Toning Exercises to Get in Shape Fast

So as you know I am always doing my research and finding the best workouts for you guys to make sure you get the results you want without getting bored. Well, I am sure the majority of us are home snowed in at the moment and even if you aren't I know you are always looking for home workouts, expecially not having me in your back pocket at all times. This is a killer full body workout that I feel will challenge you all so differently than the usual workouts you are used to as well as not needing any equipment except 2 lb weights. If those aren't available then grab 2 water bottles.

These exercises are not your typical movements. The reason I am a huge fan of these is because we have neglected the smaller muscles in our bodies, such as; our love handles, hips, inner thighs etc. We are all used to using our big muscles in all basic exercises these are going to hit all your atrophed muscles (decrease in the mass of the muscle)

Here is one of my favorite celebrity trainers, Tracey Anderson. She is guaranteed to give you results versus many trainers and programs that box and bulk women. Check this link out to get the full body workout.
Toning Exercises to Get in Shape Fast

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Need to turn up your cardio?? Check this out

Well you know how I am constantly telling you that you do not need a gym to get an awesome workout! Well here is my new favorite video out there.

TurboFire!!!This is the intense new cardio conditioning program

Chalene Johnson.helps you get leaner with exercises that burn up to 9x more fat than regular cardio does. This video will give you quick results and turn up your workouts!! Get on it you will drip those pounds away literally.
Here is a link to a snippet of the awesome workout

Here is where you can order the whole package: Its an awesome Christmas present!!

Monday, December 13, 2010

5 fast weight loss tips!

So how many of you are looking for that fast/quick fix to lose weight. To be honest there are your weight loss pills and your crash diets, but I hope we all know it is just a temporary fix. You can do them all you want but I PROMISE you will gain all your weight back that you lost and then some!

1. If you have a special event coming up in a week, or a wedding I would tell you to cut back on all sugars and starches. That means FRUIT people! A lot of you mistake carbs as being just pasta and breads but the reality is an apple is a carb too!

 2. Cut back on all your alcohol even cut it out completely if you can! This will stall the way your body breaks down food by 3 days. So that puts your weight loss goals 3 days behind your goal date.

3. Drink lots of water. Yes this is something you hear all the time but seriously, it keeps you fuller longer. This goes along with eating foods that hold a lot of water such as;
  • fruits: grapefruits, watermelon, melon, berries etc.
  • vegetables: celery, cucumbers, tomatoes
  • broth based soups
  • oatmeal

4. One of my favorite tips, and top reason people are over weight: eat until you are 80% full. Listen every time you eat it should not be a thanksgiving dinner! You will eat again, no need to get it in all in one sitting. You should feel comfortable after you eat, not the feeling of  "Ugh, Im gonna explode" or "Food Coma!!"
     This was my problem, a way to help myself and other is to drink a seltzer with their meals. Honestly its a 0 calorie drink that is not as boring as water and the carbonation helps fill your belly up.
     Another technique is to use smaller plates when you serve yourself food. Or for dinner eat half and take the rest home. But put the other half aside before you start eating.

5. Workout 2 times a day. One in the morning and one at night. Even if its 20 minutes each! The more times a day you get your metabolism working the more calories you will burn. Also your body becomes to used to doing everything at one point of the day breaking it up will make your body have to work that much harder to find some energy storage's that will then burn fat. For example do your cardio in the AM and circuit in the PM. Switch it up after a month!

PS. this also helps release those endorphins that make you feel good inside and happy. Helps release stress. Now imagine that 2 times a day versus ONE!

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Quick fix to those hard to reach spots!!

We all have those tough to reach areas that you can just never get rid of. Well here are a couple of my favorite techniques with gliding discs that you can purchase for only $14.95, they have it for carpet use as well as hard wood. So you can make sure to purchase a pair that you can use both in the gym as well as at home. Remember I always say your bets gym is your home!

Here is the link to the gliding discs  if you need help picking the right ones let me know? I have also placed a quick workout for you to try with these!

Let me know when you feel the burn....

One-Legged Squat
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Stand with left heel resting on the Glider and hold weights if desired. Keeping the abs engaged and the torso straight, bend the right knee while sliding the left heel out in front, pressing into the floor with your heel. Squat as low as you can while keeping your knee behind your toe. Straighten the right leg as you slide the left foot back to starting position.  Repeat for 3 sets of 15 reps on each leg, resting for 20-30 seconds between sets.

Standing Leg Circles
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Stand with right foot resting on Glider, holding onto a bar or chair for balance. Press into the Glider and, keeping pressure on it, slowly push right foot forward (squatting with the standing leg) and trace a circle on the floor. Repeat for 3 sets of 15 reps on each side.
Sliding Lunges
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Stand with feet hip-width apart, toe of left foot resting on the Glider and holding weights, if desired. Bend the right leg while sliding the left foot back into a lunge position, keeping the right knee behind the toe, torso upright and abs in. Slowly slide left foot back to starting position and repeat for 3 sets of 15 reps on each side.
Glide Abduction/Adduction
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Begin on all fours with one leg straight out behind you or in a plank position (as shown), toe resting on the Glider. Pressing into the floor, slowly slide the leg straight out to the side as far as you comfortably can, squeezing the glutes. Be sure to keep the hip, knee and ankle in alignment, pointing towards the floor. Still pressing into the floor, squeeze the inner thigh to slide the foot back to starting position.  Repeat for 3 sets of 15 reps on each side.
Hamstring Slides
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Lie down with knees bent and the Glider under the right foot. Lift the hips off the floor into a bridge position and, holding this position, press into the floor and slide the right foot out in front of you. Contract the hamstring and continue pressing into the floor as you slide the right foot back to starting position. Repeat for 3 sets of 15 reps on each side.
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Begin in pushup position, either on the toes or knees, with Gliders under both hands directly under the shoulders. Slide hands out to either side and lower into a pushup. As you push up, slide the hands back together and repeat. Repeat for 3 sets of 15 reps.
Lat Pulls
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Lie on your left side, knees slightly bent and head resting on your arm. Place your right hand on Glider in front of you and press into the floor as you slide the arm in a half circle up near your head. Contract the lat muscles and press into the floor to slide hand back to start position. Repeat for 3 sets of 15 reps on each side.
Ab Slides
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Begin in pushup position on knees, hands directly below the shoulders and resting on Gliders. Contract the abs and very slowly slide the hands straight out in front of you. Only go as far as you can without hurting your back. Slide back to start and repeat for 3 sets of 15 reps.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Quick tip

So I constantly get complaints on how all of you are continuously so tired and out of energy. Especially when it comes to working out! Well here is something that I have always used and you will see that many celebrities will use this idea as well.

Coconut milk is one of the most hydrating drinks on the market! Not only will it hydrate you, which helps for beautiful skin it also gives you that missing energy that you are lacking. Considering this is an all natural drink versus your red bull, or monster energy drinks this is your quick, natural and healthy alternative.

It tastes great! I promise I will never give you anything you will not like. The best idea for this is to water the coconut drink down a little to save some calories.