What I can tell you is if you continue to eat right and train your body to stay tight and toned you will have an over all toned tummy.
Getting rid of that belly fat, I hope you know is not just abdominal exercises. You need the whole package. If you have stronger legs, you will have a tighter tummy, if you have leaner arms your will have a leaner tummy.
What I am trying to say to you is, your body is a packaged deal. Work the whole thing and you will get the whole thing toned.
Heres another workout to add to your stash! Keep them close to you for all times. Even when you are away on vacation. You can do these anywhere. If you don't have weights grab a band. Also, you don't need heavy weights do about 15-20 reps of each and use 5 lb weights. I know you will struggle, 2lbs would even be great!
Alright chickies here you go!
| Bench Press (Chest) Lie on a bench, step or floor, and hold a medium-heavy barbell straight up over your chest. Bend your elbows and lower the weight until elbows are at 90 degrees. Press back up and repeat. |
Lateral Raise (Shoulders) - Hold light-medium dumbbells and, keeping elbows slightly bent, lift arms out to the sides to shoulder level. Lower and repeat. | |
| Barbell Row (Back) Hold a medium-heavy barbell and tip forward to 45 degrees, keeping your back flat. Squeeze back to pull the weight in towards the belly. Lower and repeat. |
Back Extension (Lower Back) Lie face down and squeeze the lower back to lift your chest a few inches off the floor. Lower and repeat. | |
| Hammer Curls (Biceps) Holding medium-heavy dumbbells, perform hammer curls with your palms facing each other. For added intensity, stand on one leg for a balance challenge, switching legs with each set. |
Kickbacks (Triceps) Bend forward, keeping back flat and abs in, and hold light-medium weights, elbows bent. Straighten the elbows to engage the triceps. Lower and repeat. | |
| Deadlifts (Glutes, hamstrings and back) Stand with feet hip-width apart, and hold weights in front of your thighs. Tip from the hips and lower weights towards the floor, keeipng your back flat and shoulders back. Return to start and repeat. |
Static Lunge (quads, hamstrings, glutes) Stand in split stance and bend both knees, lowering into a lunge while keeping your front knee behind the toe. Lift back up and repeat before switching sides. | |
| Squats (quads, hamstrings, glutes) Place a medium-heavy barbell on the upper back/shoulders or hold dumbbells in either hand. Bend the knees and lower into a squat, knees behind the toes. Push back to start and repeat. |
Bicycle (abs) Lie on the floor and bring the knees into the chest. Straighten the right leg as you twist the body, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee. Repeat on the other side in a cycling motion. | |
| Ball Crunch (abs) Lie down with the exercise ball under the lower/mid-back. Squeeze the abs to lift the shoulders off the ball in a crunch. Lower and repeat. |
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