Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fitness deals!

So, I promised you all that I would keep you updated with Hott Fitness Deals that go on daily and weekly.
 Here is the link to the page on www.Mahalo.com


Here is a list of classes and other things for you to take advantage of at LA FITNESS
Last here are direct links to where you can find the HOTTEST DEALS, such as $0 DOWN (which let me remind you, you rarely find!) and $29.99 a month.

LA Fitness Coupons Links  Powered by Google

Genetics, Genetics, Genetics

I cannot tell you enough how many times I hear ..."I want a six pack!!" Even a 2 pack will do. Well, well....I don't care what any trainer tells you, or anyone! Its genetic ladies. I am sorry to say, its not gonna happen. Its just like tall lanky men who want thick legs and calfs. Yea, sorry kid. Not your time.

What I can tell you is if you continue to eat right and train your body to stay tight and toned you will have an over all toned tummy.

Getting rid of that belly fat, I hope you know is not just abdominal exercises. You need the whole package. If you have stronger legs, you will have a tighter tummy, if you have leaner arms your will have a leaner tummy.

What I am trying to say to you is, your body is a packaged deal. Work the whole thing and you will get the whole thing toned.

Heres another workout to add to your stash! Keep them close to you for all times. Even when you are away on vacation. You can do these anywhere. If you don't have weights grab a band. Also, you don't need heavy weights do about 15-20 reps of each and use 5 lb weights. I know you will struggle, 2lbs would even be great!

Alright chickies here you go!

Bench Press (Chest) Lie on a bench, step or floor, and hold a medium-heavy barbell straight up over your chest. Bend your elbows and lower the weight until elbows are at 90 degrees.  Press back up and repeat. 
Lateral Raise (Shoulders) - Hold light-medium dumbbells and, keeping elbows slightly bent, lift arms out to the sides to shoulder level. Lower and repeat.

Barbell Row (Back) Hold a medium-heavy barbell and tip forward to 45 degrees, keeping your back flat.  Squeeze back to pull the weight in towards the belly.  Lower and repeat.
Back Extension (Lower Back) Lie face down and squeeze the lower back to lift your chest a few inches off the floor.  Lower and repeat.
Back Extension Exercise
Hammer Curls (Biceps) Holding medium-heavy dumbbells, perform hammer curls with your palms facing each other.  For added intensity, stand on one leg for a balance challenge, switching legs with each set.
Kickbacks (Triceps) Bend forward, keeping back flat and abs in, and hold light-medium weights, elbows bent.  Straighten the elbows to engage the triceps.  Lower and repeat.
Kickback Kickback
Deadlifts (Glutes, hamstrings and back) Stand with feet hip-width apart, and hold weights in front of your thighs. Tip from the hips and lower weights towards the floor, keeipng your back flat and shoulders back.   Return to start and repeat.
Static Lunge (quads, hamstrings, glutes)  Stand in split stance and bend both knees, lowering into a lunge while keeping your front knee behind the toe.  Lift back up and repeat before switching sides.

Squats (quads, hamstrings, glutes) Place a medium-heavy barbell on the upper back/shoulders or hold dumbbells in either hand.  Bend the knees and lower into a squat, knees behind the toes. Push back to start and repeat.
Bicycle (abs)  Lie on the floor and bring the knees into the chest.  Straighten the right leg as you twist the body, bringing the right elbow towards the left knee.  Repeat on the other side in a cycling motion.
Ball Crunch (abs)  Lie down with the exercise ball under the lower/mid-back.  Squeeze the abs to lift the shoulders off the ball in a crunch.  Lower and repeat.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Lazy Sundays

We all are used to just laying around on Sundays like a bump on a log.

Theres a good example of someone, my pup Mackie.
Well I really been raving about this  books eat this not that. It will teach many of you how to feed your body with the right stuff.

This will give you calorie counts so you can really see the difference. Even though I never tell you guys to count calories. Just watch your portion size! Its all about moderation people.
Portion size is the biggest reason the US has 40% of obese people

All the time I am telling people that you cannot deprive yourself. You have to treat your body like a bank account. You need to balance your body like you balance your bank account.
For example, if you eat pancakes for breakfast make sure for lunch you eat some protein and vegetables and maybe a salad for dinner. Basically eat clean for the rest of the day. Same goes for a night out to dinner. You want that glass of wine and steak with mashed potatoes. THATS FINE!! Make sure your eating clean the rest of the day. Oatmeal for breakfast, protein and veggies for lunch or a salad and some fruit for a mid morning snack. 

A lot of times, many of you think ugh! I just ate a cookie I ruined my whole day! Well thats not the case, you didn't! Just eat clean the rest of the day.

Hope this helps for many of you out there.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Fitness Friday-Every Friday I will give you new workouts!!

Happy Friday kids!! Its been a long week and I am sure a very stressful week. The best way to alleviate some stress is to workout. If your like me sitting at home, instead of being out in this freezing cold weather saddle up in some warm clothes and lets do something active. Here is a short but killer workout plan that you can do in an easy 20 minutes!! This is called circuit training, my favorite type of workout. I gave my girlfriend (Danielle) a similar workout like this and she wanted a wheelchair after. I promise you will hate me during it, but love me after.....especially when you see your perky booty develop in those blue jeans.


First- Start in a standing position with your legs hips width apart, hands behind your head and start squating. You have 20 reps right here...and try to get a pretty good pace going.

Directly after your 20 squats start alternating front lunges. Count to 20 on these as well.

Here comes the hard part...without taking a break, I promise you are almost done with this part. You are now going to get into a lunge position I was you to jump up and switch legs in the air and land in a lunge with the opposite foot forward and opposite foot back. Continue jumping and switching 20 times in a row. These are called split squats.

Last one I promise and I will give you a break...10 Jump squats! GO, Start in a squat position and jump up in the air and land back down in a squat then go straight back up. 10 reps go.

Awesome! Now you get your break....you got one minute.

Ok Next- Now I want you to get into a plank position, as you see above. Hold here for 30 seconds.
After 30 seconds I want you to walk up onto your right hand and then up onto your left hand staying in this position, just on your hands instead of forearms.

Just like this. Now bend your elbows and bring yourself back into the plank position. Then walk back up. Continue walking up and down 10 times starting with your left and 10 times starting with your right. Make sure your body doesn't move, just your arms. HOLD YOUR TUMMY IN !!

Next- Drop down to your knees and give me 15 push-ups. If you have the strength do regular push-up. If not, don't worry about it. Take your time and start on your knees.

Last exercise!! You are almost there chickies....
Ok so you are in your plank position stay there and bring your right knee to your right elbow keeping your right knee and leg parallel with your body (Like above picture). Alternate each side and continue with doing 20 reps.

Congratulations!! You have completed an extremely hard workout. Ready for the part where you are gonna hate me...DO IT AGAIN! If you are a beginner do this once, if you feel like you can and want to push yourself then do it again, When you become a professional, I want you to run through this 3 times!!

Let me know what you think of this workout. I wanna know how you felt after. If this is too easy, tell me. I promise to challenge you harder.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Cardio.....How to get your ass off that couch.

So is cardio your favorite thing to do or LEAST favorite thing?

Well, cardio is definitely not mine. I recently signed up for a field hockey league. I played field hockey all throughout my childhood up until high school and was watching an episode of MADE on MTV. Who would of thought. 

My Fiance has been playing on an ice hockey league twice a week and I kept saying how I wish there was a field hockey league to join. Well, after this motivational episode of MADE (pretty pathetic) where the high school's president wanted to be made into a lacrosse player, I was amped and ready to play!! For some reason, watching this girl train brought me back to my prime days in high school as I was throwing myself in front of our field hockey goal saving our ass' in overtime during the playoffs! Yeah, doubt I can do that these days.

Anyways, after the show ended my fiance and I logged onine and Googled local field hockey leagues and BAM! Who would have guessed how many I found. Well, I signed up for one and I am so excited to start.

You need to realize their are fun ways to get a workout in! You just need to brainstorm and think outside the box.

Road races for example! I thought I was a fitness guru, well my two best friends will run their lives away. My one girlfriend (Danielle) ran a half marathon last year. Everyday I would speak with her she would tell me how she is about to run 10 miles today?!?!?!? Like really? Is that even possible...I would have just finished teaching 2 classes in a row and finished training my cleints for the day. I cant even focus on writing on this blog for more than 15 minutes at a time. Running 10 miles, I would get bored after the first 2!! Girls got motivation and she didn't need any from me.

Then my other girlfriend (Talia) who I swear would prance across the field in high school (she played field hockey with me) like she was a fawn!! It was two weeks ago and pouring out, I believe it was actually a monsoon in Florida where she lives. She had to get off the phone with me because she had to run 8 miles. She is training for a half marathon. IN THE RAIN? The girl needed a weight belt so she wouldn't blow away in the tropical storm. What motivation I tell ya.

Well with all that said and done...These are easy ways to motivate yourself to reach a goal!

A couple ways to get yourself active is logging onto www.coolrunning.com and find all your local road races to get your ass in shape. Start training for it. Its a great goal to work towards. Trust me you don't have to run the whole thing! Take baby steps and you will see its fun and what a great accomplishment it is to finish. Grab a friend or your significant other and do it together! You have no excuses, I know we have a race here in Boston at least every week locally.

On top of that you would be contributing to a great cause and you will meet lots of people!! If your single, who knows you may meet the love of your life, hehe.